Your name

Email address

Date of event (VERY IMPORTANT: If more than one day, enter a separate form for each day)

How many people worked the event? (Include municipal staff, interns, volunteers)

How many hours were spent on site? (Include set up, take down; round up to whole hour)

Event name

Event location (Use physical address or name of park or facility, and city)

Estimated number of attendees (Use the estimate provided by the event organizer)

Estimated number of engaged participants (Track how many people you "touched")

Estimated number of printed materials (Include brochures, fliers, middle school books, pencils, for example, 10 storm drain brochures, 50 middle school books, etc.)

Estimated number of STORM promo items (If it had a STORM logo, include it here. For example, 60 pet waste dispensers, 10 pencils, 40 stamps, etc.)

Estimated number of municipal promo items (If it had your city logo, include it here. For example, 60 Hoppers, 15 Clean Water Starts with You hats, etc.)